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Over 6,000 More People Will Have Clean Water in Northern Ghana


Seventeen communities with a total population of 6,150 have benefitted from boreholes drilled over the past of two months by the Rural Water Development Program with support from you, our partners in this great work.

These communities had no potable water, so they suffered from water borne diseases. Because of this, the infant mortality rate was high and many people were sick with diarrhea and parasites. Over the past 2 months we have been able to drill seventeen boreholes and fit all with concrete platforms and hand pumps. All of them are being used by the villagers for both clean drinking water and for cooking. As a result, the health of the villagers is improving and the daily workload on the women and girls has been reduced greatly. Many of them were walking as far as three and a half miles each way to fetch water. Now, however, the wells are in the villages and near the homes of the people. Imagine the great blessing this is to them!

The direct beneficiaries are six thousand one hundred and fifty, but the indirect (people from villages around the ones where we drilled who come to fetch) beneficiaries are even more.

These works did not come easy as they were done close to and within the rainy season. The rig and trucks were getting stuck and having break downs, which increased the workload on the men.

To the glory of God, out of 24 holes that were drilled 17 were wet which brings our success rate to over 70% - one of the highest in the country. This is also as a result of new sighting equipment that we received recently. It has helped us to know where to drill with the greatest possibility of success.

New Mechanized Well Water System in the Nayillifong Community

In addition to this, we have been working on the construction of another mechanized system in Nayillifong community, a suburb of Yendi with population of over 2,000. This water system, which should be completed by the time you read this, will provide three stand pipes and six fetching points in the densely populated areas. The picture above shows the tower and tank that will hold the water for distribution. By God’s grace, the system will be ready by the time the dry season sets in. This will provide a great blessing for the people as the provision of these facilities will improve their daily livelihoods by enabling them to live a healthier and more dignified lifestyle.

You are the ones who have been providing these blessings as you allow our Father to work through your sacrifices. Please do not weary in well doing. God bless you all!

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