John tells us that the Word, who was born “Jesus” of Nazareth, became one of us. He wasn’t just God. He was God being a man. He was a man who lived with us, ate our food, breathed our air, got dirty, learned carpentry and had brothers like many of us have. He became flesh and blood because God always wanted to live with us. He still does. Two of the reasons, and there are many more, why God wants to live with us are these: He wants fellowship with us. He is a Father who loves His children. He does not always love what we do; in fact, much of what we do He hates. Still, He loves us and longs to be with us and forgive us. With God it’s all about relationship.
A second reason why He wants to live with us is because He chooses to do things for us. When we look at the life of Jesus we see that He was constantly helping people. He went to their weddings and, to save the folks from embarrassment, He made wine for them. He fed thousands, healed many, gave sight to blind people and even raised their dead. During all this time He was showing us who the Father is and what He is like.If we choose to be children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus then we should be striving to be like them. God, through Christ Jesus, showed us that He is a servant, a loving servant. He desires to serve His people, striving to make their/our lives better. These are the things He wants us to do.
SO MANY OF YOU have been great examples of the serving Father and Son. Ladies have made dresses for the young girls in villages in Ghana, many have helped students with their tuition and you have all sacrificed needed income to help the people of Ghana to have clean water, decent food, medicines and an education. I know there are times when you wonder if the sacrifices you are making are doing any good. When I see a child drinking fresh, clean water from one of the wells, I can testify that you are blessing thousands.
What I am hoping to do is to urge you “not to grow weary in well doing”. There are still millions more that need help and we are striving to serve them as Jesus served when He was here. You and I and many more are now the hands and feet of Jesus. We are allowing Him to work through us and do the things that He would be doing if He were still here. The truth is, He is still here, working in you and me.
I know many of you have sacrificed to help us buy vehicles in the past. Today we need your help again. All of our utility trucks are worn out. They are several years old and constantly breaking down. We are in desperate need of a new pickup truck to transport both our crew and parts to drilling areas. The two we have now are breaking down every time they are taken out.
The cost of repairs is high and the time wasted can never be gotten back. Right now we need you to help us buy a new truck. The cost is $35,000.00. With this the crew can do much more in less time because they will not have to worry about breakdowns and repair costs.
May our Father bless you as you seek to serve Him and bless the people of Ghana.
Thank you for caring.