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Mechanical Water System for Yendi, Northern Ghana
"The people of Yendi, with a population of over 70,000, found themselves in a terrible predicament. There had been no rain for many months, the river Dakar that supplied many in the town with water was bone dry, so the people were suffering from a lack of water."

Latrines For Schools in Northern Ghana
"The RWDP (Rural Water Development Program) is currently building 29 toilet facilities with water for as many schools. We have already built several and the results for the female students has been amazing. The girls have both privacy and the facilities needed for their hygiene."

Peace Building Through Well Drilling - Panduli Village, Northern Ghana
"Yendi is a special place for several reasons: ancient history, remoteness, poverty, great need for potable water, lack of sanitization and predominantly Muslim. As a result, Yendi is a difficult place to work – from a humanitarian and evangelical perspective."